About me
I was born in Albania in 1983. When I was 14 some unexpected life circumstances rechanneled my life’s direction completely. So in the winds of change my family and I moved to Bregenz, Austria where we have been living happily ever since. Just like every boy out there my biggest dream has been to be a big football star, and I have invested a lot of energy and effort in it. However, in to 2004 the opportunity arose for me to take part in “Mister Vorarlberg”. This event redirected my interests in life, rating modelling as number 1. Following on, I was offered the opportunity for working for, Head, Coop-City, Aldi, Swiss Casinos, Vanzetti, Antony Morato, Sahra Kern, Pfanner, Kika, Capo, Seeberger-Hats, Charles Vögele, Redbull, Hollywood-Movie 2016 „Point-Break“ (extra as Shekh) etc. in AUT/DE/IT/TR/FR/BE/CH/AL. To date modelling remains for me one of my biggest passions, not only as a profession but also as a great gateway into experiencing and explorig different cultures, lifestyles and people. For more details feel free to scan through my profile.
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